The topic of Artificial Intelligence has been a pretty big one, especially recently. However, opinions on AI are nothing new. Since the Golden Age of science fiction, writers have been tackling themes about a machine brain helping humanity, and leading us to a better world. The opposite is true as well. Many have had a relatively bleak view on AI.
However, as it is now, artificial intelligence is nowhere near developed enough to save us or destroy us. That being said, there are many aspects of society and culture that artificial intelligence and machine learning can help with. For example, iGaming.

What is iGaming?
For the unaware, iGaming is a catch-all term that refers to all sorts of online gambling and sports betting practices. Most commonly we associate iGaming with slot games, simply because slots are the most popular gambling games out right now. Some of the more popular Casinofy slots are developed through the use of artificial intelligence, and a lot of developers use AI to enhance player experience.
The question many might ask is how do slot games benefit from AI and machine learning? The truth is that there are plenty of ways that developers can enhance the gaming experience through the use of AI. In this article, we are going to address a few of these options.
Fraud Detection
Fraud detection, and prevention, plays a huge role in online casinos. Combating fraud is a top priority for many gambling websites, and it continues to be a persistent issue that both customers and developers have to deal with. However, AI might be the solution to the problem.
The way AI helps with fraud is quite simple; machine learning algorithms continuously monitor player behavior. They analyze transactions, gameplay, and much more. In other words, the AI understands what one player is looking for when they come to the casino.
This makes it easy to detect any unorthodox behavior. Of course, the AI isn’t always on the mark. That is why online casinos still have human staff, that work in tandem with AI to fight against fraud and identity theft. So, AI has played a pretty big role in making online casinos much safer.
Responsible Gambling
Responsible gambling simply means knowing when you’ve had enough. However, in the heat of the moment, some players might go overboard. But, how can AI possible help here? Well, it is quite simple; as we said, the machine learning software is constantly monitoring player activity, including transactions.
If the algorithm spots a player is wagering a bit too much, or more than usual, then it can inform a human member of the staff. At which point, the staff member will step into contact with the customer, and ensure that there isn’t any sort of problem that might lead to compulsive gambling, or anything of the sort.
Ensuring the safety of their customers is one of the top priorities of online casinos. And though to some it may seem unfair that their activity is monitored, most gambling websites are quite responsible in this practice. That is also one of the main reasons why responsible AI usage is so important. Most people will understand the need for machine learning algorithms, if you explain how it is used and why.
Customer Support
Fully AI live chats are already a very successful concept in customer support. It isn’t just online casinos that use them, but rather most online businesses. Rarely will one come across a business that instantly connects you to a human member of the staff. But, what is the purpose of AI-generated customer support?
It is true that, for the most part, Artificial Intelligence can’t answer some of the more complex questions that customers have. But, basic answers are easy to come by. All the service provider needs to do is teach the machine the basics of the business, for example; what are the most popular games, how do I make a deposit, etc. Then the AI chat will simply respond based on context clues from the customer.
In many ways, it is the same principle that ChatGPT, and similar open AI chat bots work on. Though it may seem underdeveloped now, there is no telling where the future of AI will go. We might see a future where AI will completely dominate customer service, and will do a much better job than it is doing right now.