6 Hilarious and Unconventional WoW Quests

There are thousands of quests in World of Warcraft. Most of them are pretty similar: kill 10 wolves, bring 7 skins, deliver a parcel, and so on. But humor is Blizzard’s calling card, so sometimes they add really funny and unusual tasks. Of course, there are many more of them than 6, but we have collected the ones that we remember the most.

The number of quests in the game amazes even the most avid gamer. This is all thanks to the fact that the game is over twenty years old and the developers are constantly releasing content updates. The storyline is so complex and interesting that it can be quite difficult for a beginner to understand the intricacies.

Many players prefer to learn the game from professional gamers who provide boosting services like mythic boosts or leveling, as well as coaching and extraction of the necessary items and resources. This service is becoming increasingly popular as it allows players to gradually and smoothly become familiar with the game while still playing at a high level.

In this article, we will recall interesting and funny quests that will make experienced players feel nostalgic and surprise newcomers.

Pacifist Lunk

We all know that ogres are rather warlike and bloodthirsty people who recognize only strength and only know how to hit everyone they meet on the head with their club. But not Lunk. He lives in the Searing Gorge and asks the player to join him on adventures without any violence. For example, we need to kill spiders and collect some material from them.

The blockhead declares that there is no need to kill anyone, it is better to ride on spiders and the necessary ingredient will stick to the belly itself. And so we watch how a happy and carefree ogre jumps on spiders and rides on them laughing, getting the necessary ingredient. The blockhead doesn’t even want to kill the evil dwarves. Instead of bloodshed, he prefers a soporific jump.

The ogre simply jumps on enemies and stuns them. Lunk also loves to dance. In a word, he is the most peaceful and funniest ogre in all of Azeroth, and the quest line with him is worth going through at least once. However this quest had bugs and is not very popular.

Quest with goats

There are many quests in WoW where you need to somehow interact with neutral animals. Somewhere you need to scare away spiders, somewhere you need to return cubs, but the funniest task with similar mechanics is hidden in the Badlands.

There, in a goblin town, a problem arose with mountain goats, which brazenly climb into the city itself. We are offered to solve this problem with the help of a super-technological device – the Goat Blaster. With this, we will throw the most arrogant goats to the foot of the mountain. Looks pretty funny.

The Day Deathwing Came

To defeat Deathwing, you don’t have to go on a raid; you just need to complete a fun quest in the Badlands. Deathwing doesn’t care what level you are. There, an unusual trio sits at a rest stop: an orc, a gnome, and a dwarf, who tell stories about how they challenged a powerful dragon when he walked across Azeroth.

We will have to listen to all three stories, playing for each of them. The dwarf will scatter everyone with his signature funeral hook, the dwarf will increase himself to maximum size, and the orc, like an action star of the 80s, will famously get to Deathwing on a bike. At the same time, he will have a loving fan sitting in the passenger seat.

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By the way, there is a similar quest in Battle for Azeroth. In the Valley of Storms, several fishermen will also tell us how they fought a sea monster and filled its face with one left and a volley of rockets.

Welcome to the system

With each new addition, Blizzard makes gamers more and more heroes and saviors of the world of WOW. But what is it like to be an ordinary NPC in Azeroth, handing out quests? The developers allowed players to feel themselves in this unenviable role.

In the quest Welcome to the System, which can be obtained for the Horde in the Foothills of Hislbrad, the developers can be said to break the fourth wall. You have to give three tasks to the visiting adventurers. The quest is presented with humor and makes fun of certain types of players.

What is the blood elf Joni the Terrific worth, who, riding up on a rare mount, asks for more interesting tasks? He openly dares us by declaring that he will not even read the description of the task, and if he does not like it, he will leave an angry message on the forum.

Cleaning the pirate deck

Stranglethorn Vale has a rather interesting quest chain in which we will play an undercover agent and go to the camp of pirates. After completing the quest “Just Like a Tauren Pirate,” where we cut off the head of a poor cow to pass it off as a Tauren admiral, we will be accepted into the Bloodsail Pirates gang.

And so we arrive on board the ship and go to clean the deck. The local captain doesn’t care at all that we beheaded his main enemy, so we sadly take a bucket of water and begin to scrub the ship, on which stains appear more and more often. Eh, not how many people imagined the dashing life of a pirate. True, then we will take revenge on these exploiters of honest heroes and kill all the pirates.


Bulldozerism is a quest whose name is derived from the words bulldozer and exorcism. Goblin quests are always flavored with humor, and this one is one of the favorites of the WoW audience. You can complete it in Azshara.

The goblins have realized that the bulldozer has been possessed by a spirit and are asking you to help drive it out. They supply you with a Blessed Flare Pistol, which you use to summon a Priest Marine. The description of the quest itself already makes you smile, but the phrases that the goblins around you say are simply excellent.

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