In recent years, AI has taken the world by storm seemingly coming from nowhere and working its way into every industry. All over the world people and companies are using AI to both develop and grow their businesses as they’re able to solve problems and create new workarounds for issues that would otherwise take much longer for a person to complete.
Not only this, but companies are also using AI to add extra layers of security to their products allowing for their customers to be assured their details and money are safe with them. AI is being used to prevent potentially fraudulent activity in their preventing them before they’re able to happen.
This means both the companies don’t have to spend time in fixing the issue, but also, they’re able to prevent fraudsters from obtaining information illegally and keep customers’ information safe. There are a number of other useful ways in which AI can help support and protect players such as customer support and unauthorised use, however, let’s take a look into these further.
Ensuring only authorised people can play
If gambling is legal in a country, they will have a legal gambling age, but that doesn’t stop underage players trying to create an account and play. It’s illegal for anyone under the required age to start betting or placing wagers, so companies must ensure only people over this age are playing.
Companies have started using AI to identify potential players who are under this age restriction and request further information. Players are then required to provide certified identification to prove their age. Some mobile casino apps in Canada even offer services where the player can provide a photo of their identification, and the AI will review it instantaneously, meaning if the player is of age, they can get right back to playing.
This is such an important tool as people under the age of eighteen may not have yet fully understood the world of betting and finances, and should be given the time and education first to truly understand the risks and be able to make informed decisions. Having this in place protects the future generations for years to come.
Identifying potential bad gambling habits
It’s safe to say most players have had at some point in their life a streak where every game seems to just go against you. No matter what you do, what tactic you take, you just keep losing. For most people, they take a break from the game walking away and coming back with a fresh face.
For some players though, they get stuck trying to chase their losses and keep going until they win back what they’ve lost. Using AI to detect when a playing is potentially chasing losses could be key to protecting and safeguarding players to ensure they’re not chasing their losses and making a mistake.
The AI will pick up on certain habits the player is showing such as higher wages in a shorter timespan, continuous wagers after multiple losses and playing at unusual hours such as in the middle of the night. Once detected the system can send prompts and reminders to the player to ensure they’re not chasing losses and to take regular breaks, ensuring the player is playing with a clear head.
In addition to this, players are also able to add these themselves, so if they’re placing larger wages more frequently especially after a number of losses, the system will detect this and advise the player to take a break just as they requested. This means if the player is aware of their own playing state, they can pre-warn the game to pick up on these and notify them when they come about.
Chat support using AI
There always comes a time when you need to speak to someone about an issue you’re having, whether it’s a technical issue or something else, there may not always be someone available to speak. Whether it’s due to demand or simply opening hours, it can be really frustrating to find out there isn’t anyone there to help. Using AI as a chatbot support instead can help players solve a number of issues on their own without the need of someone stepping in and supporting.
If it’s something it can’t help with, you can always log a ticket and when someone is available, they’ll be able to review it and help with the issue.
AI has come a long way in recent years, and with the way things are going, it’s only going to get better and more powerful over time. Companies are utilising the full advantages of AI however and it’s allowing them to make their customers experiences better, smoother and more secure. Where do you think AI will go next?