The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the Online Gaming Industry

Published:July 4, 2024

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Online gaming has seen many changes over the past years but none has been as vast as the one experienced with the introduction of artificial intelligence. Over the years, AI has experienced many changes and has gone through interesting advancements that have had an impact on various industries. One industry that has truly changed since the introduction of AI is the online gaming industry. Players all over the world are now able to engage with games on a whole new level, completely surpassing normal expectations. 

This article aims to shed light on the various ways AI has had an impact on the online gaming industry and what these changes mean for players. 

Dynamic Reactions

One of the most interesting things about playing online games that feature exceptional AI tools is that there are clever NPCs (Non-Player Characters) embedded into the game, which makes the game more realistic and adds many levels of depth to the game. 

The reason NPCs have been so crucial in the development of games is that they create a far more interesting field for actual players to engage with. Picture this: you’re playing your favorite online game like this one and suddenly you stumble upon different characters in a game. You engage with them and are able to have full-on conversations with them, they may even remember you from a few days ago when you first met them, reacting in a manner very similar to how a human would react. This creates a far more realistic and integrated experience than ever before and NPCs are only possible thanks to AI. Therefore, AI has truly had a large and positive impact on the way that players engage with online games. 

Intelligent Enemy Behaviours

Another AI trend that has made online games the fad and popular item that they are today is the fact that the systems operating in the back of programs, the AI, are also able to establish enemy behaviors. So, if you’re playing an online game like GTA or Dota for example, chances are you’re going to run into some characters who do not want the best for your avatar. In old games, if you did not follow the console’s instructions, you would just linger next to the enemy and nothing would happen. The game would be rather boring and dry.

However, with intelligent enemy behaviors that are powered by AI, games are fast-paced and realistic now. If you find yourself in hot water in a game, there is no slowing down or just not following the console’s instructions, you need to get out of that situation as fast as you can, just as you would in real life. This makes for a far more interesting and heart-pounding experience, which is probably exactly what you’re after. 

You don’t engage with online games to be bored, you do so to be thrilled and get a taste of the action. 

AI Learns Alongside

A big reason why AI has become so crucial in the world of online gaming is because, up until now, it has been the only thing that can be learned from the player’s actions. Games that are powered through AI are now able to assess their players, see what moves players make in certain situations and then develop a strategy to try to keep the player on their toes. For example, imagine you’re in an online game and you need to somehow make it through a mine field toward a certain bunker. But every time you try to move past one spike, the place blows up. 

After a few tries, you finally manage to figure out how to avoid that spike but then the game becomes boring because you’ve figured it out. AI games don’t become boring. What happens in an AI game is that it would learn that you have figured out how to avoid that one spike, so it will put in a second spike to stop you from trying to re-do that move and therefore you will need to think on your feet yo figure out another way to gain access to the bunker. AI games learn with the player and always looking for ways to challenge and out-maneuver the player, to ensure ultimate gaming enjoyment. 

Advanced Voice Controls and Virtual Reality Headsets

A further development that has been born out of AI is advanced tech. This advanced tech comes in the form of voice controls and VR headsets, making the dreams of every gamer come true. 

As the name suggests, voice controls give you the option of being able to tell your avatar what to do, purely based on what you speak into the mic. It is some high-level tech that is needed for avatars to be able to understand your verbal commands but with AI, anything is possible. This naturally speeds up the process and makes the player feel much more involved in the game, creating a far superior experience.

Speaking of superior experiences, virtual reality headsets are another thing players can look forward to. Pop one of these on and all of a sudden you are transported into a new world, a world where you get to physically control your avatar with your own movements, making for some of the most thrilling online experiences to date for sure. 


Contributor & AI Expert